Gallery Work
The source series
Date: Ongoing
Each sculpture in the Source Series is made from a single salvaged or windfall tree. One half of each log remains intact in its natural form, while the other half has been cut, sawn, constructed and reconfigured into an object that would typically be made from that wood. The constructed half has not been added to the natural half, but instead emerges from it. The challenge in creating the sculpture is intended to highlight the transformation of materials from one form into another.
The forms of these sculptures are everyday objects that we might not think about as consuming natural resources. Picket Fence, Pine Box, and Lumber Unit, currently on display at Tryon Creek State park in Portland (See Attached photos), have been created entirely from the material of the single source log itself. No additional wood has been added, the existing materials have simply been rearranged. The details added to each sculpture are equally important to the forms and complete the pieces by authentically mimicking the real world objects themselves.
2015, Douglas Fir, Steel
Many thanks to Roseburg Forest Products, without whose generosity and willingness to “think outside the sheet”, this project would not have been possible.
Place For Building Dreams
2012, Tree, Cast glass, Stee
Split Rail Fence
2012, Cedar, 4'x3'x50'
Picket Fence
2008, Red Cedar, Steel Hardware, 4'x3'x12'
Lumber Unit
2008, Fir, Steel Band, 3’x 3’x11’
Pine Box
2008, Pine, Stee Hardware, 2'x2'x11'
Hinge Diptych
2012, Cedar, Cast Aluminum, Steel, 28”x22”x8” each
2010, Juniper, Oak, Steel 62”x30”x16”
Cast Off
2007, Cedar, Steel, Cast Aluminum, Concrete. 7’ Tall, dimensions variable, depending on display.
2005, Port Orford cedar, Sitka Spruce, Galvanized Steel,10’ x 10’ x 5’
2001, Red Cedar, Galvanized Steel,10’x10’x10’
1996, cedar, 3'x9'x5', Portland Art Museum Permanent Collection